목록프로그래밍/Android (27)
Black Coffee
Android Paint Align
Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.drawText("test",3,3,paint);
2010. 4. 12. 10:22
Using UNDX to Decompile Android dex bytecode
1. Get dexdump.exe from http://dex-decomplier.googlecode.com/files/dexdump.zip 2. Get UNDX tool undx.jar from http://www.illegalaccess.org/undx/ 3. Convert dex bytecode to java bytecode using java -DASDKLoc={Location of dexdump} -jar undx.jar {dexfile} this tool generate dex dump file {dexfile.dump} and java bytecode archive {dexfile.jar}. 4. Get Java Decompiler JD-GUI from http://java.decompile..
2010. 3. 23. 16:51